10 Traits Of An Alpha Woman : How To Know If You Are One

10 Traits Of An Alpha Woman

“Alpha Female” might be a term that is thrown around quite casually, but beware, this is a female you have to take seriously. Consider yourself warned. She turns heads and for reasons, you are soon going to read.

On the downside some men find women with alpha traits to be intimidating. But who cares? An alpha woman is all set to make her own rules and live by them.

She is that woman, which every other woman look up to and wonder “How would it be to be like her?” You must be wondering it too.

Here are 10 traits that you will resonate with, if you are, in fact, an alpha woman:

1. You love to lead

It’s quite natural that an alpha woman displays amazing prowess with leadership and knows exactly how to channel the energy and qualities that are both prominent and dormant in others. She is the one who knows the value of resources around her and works towards making the best use of these resources. The alpha woman knows the value of teamwork and keeps everyone occupied. She gives everyone the fair chance to hone their talent and skill set and rise to the challenge of proving themselves.

A research published on SAGE journal studied the traits of an alpha woman and found that alpha women naturally embrace leadership skills and can easily handle it.

In situations where others might be left confused and dumbfounded, you remain the constant source of inspiration for others because you happen to be the one who always rise to the challenge. This makes you the go-to person for anything to get done fast, smoothly and efficiently.

Like a typical alpha woman, you are the inspiration of your coworkers and subordinates alike. 

2. You are confident of what you bring to the table

You inherent confidence truly makes you a rising star, and you do not brag or show off how much you have or how much you are capable of doing through your sole efforts.

An alpha woman is a team player and gives everyone a helping hand whenever they need it. She exudes confidence wherever she goes and gives others confidence as well whenever they lack it. Her aura makes everyone feel that she is a one-of-a-kind, dependable person, which she truly is.

3. You are set to conquer the world

It’s only but natural that the alpha woman will have a lot of ambitions, she is anyway regarded as a driving force by people around her.

You have the strength to bring your ambitions to fruition just by your sheer determination, consistency, dedication and motivation. Giving up? You know not what that is. You face challenge and hurdles with your resilience and emerge out triumphant, every single time. 

4. You have high emotional intelligence 

How do you know if you have high emotional intelligence or not? The following traits as exhibited by an alpha woman, who quite naturally, possesses a high level of emotional intelligence:

  • Your emotional strength: You know the harsh truths of life and the ways of the world. Probably you have learned them from a very young age. You are capable of handling your emotions very well. An alpha woman‘s personal and other issues usually have zero impact on her professional life. Her experiences in the past have made her emotionally strong, reliable, and dependable.
  • Your ability to emotionally influence other people: You are well aware of the power of positivity and influence people working around you for the better. This makes you and everyone around you receive a great boost in their overall productivity.  

Leadership consultant and licensed doctor Gabriela Cora says,

An alpha who has trained herself—yes, even alphas can be trained—to be more flexible, inclusive, and collaborative will be wise to choose when to be more direct and dominant, as compared to when to be more cooperative and open to alternatives.

If you exhibit any of the aforementioned traits, chances are that you possess a high level of emotional intelligence and are not afraid in any way. You make the tough choices without hesitation, keeping in mind long term goals to be achieved.

5. You do not seek attention, attention seeks you

She has enough maturity to realize that fame, attention is all short-lasting and can go away at any moment. You know what respect tastes like, and you adhere to preserving your self-respect over losing it.

People get attracted to you like magnets to iron! Your alluring charm swipes everyone off their feet. You can’t help but have people buzzing all around you.

Vanessa Van Edwards, bestseller author and behavior investigator says it’s because alpha females are “social lubrication and business mediators.”

She explains why,

They bring social ease to a group, they tell jokes, they start conversations, they introduce people, they smooth over business disagreements and take charge.

As leaders, this drives most females to use their influence to connect other people, making them the glue that holds groups together.

An alpha woman gives respect to one and all. Treating others respectfully makes her earn respect for herself as well. Don’t you assume that she gets fooled by flattery. She does not entertain pretense; she has a very sharp eye for who is genuinely appreciating her.

6. You never stop learning from your experiences

We are always striving to become the best version of ourselves, and the alpha woman, the powerhouse that she is, goes one notch further. She always catches up on the latest trends that are taking the world by storm.

You are willing to learn from everyone – from life, from books and from others. As long as the learning process continues,you are happy. You never miss a chance to implement your knowledge and wisdom on yourself as well as help others get through life.

7. You have got your shit together 

Your friends are constantly in awe of your capacity to handle life with such ease. While they are trying hard to get their shit stay up, you aren’t even breaking a sweat. Your life is never on auto-pilot. But how do you do that?

While everyone’s looking for the secret, Dr. Cora breaks it down for us,

Alpha females have intrinsic characteristics—aside from being competitive, controlling, and more aggressive, they are also born healthier, more energetic, and more resilient.

You are just born fantastic at working yourself out, without choking yourself. Aren’t you?

8. Ain’t nobody going to pin you down

Sure, you got haters as many as your admirers. But who cares? You are living too awesome a life to even waste a single moment thinking of your back-bitchers. You are extremely resistant to the negativity and discontent your haters bring to you.

An alpha woman will never let another person bring her emperor down. She can go to unimaginable heights to protect herself and her close ones.

9. Fear? You know not what that is.

If you are poles apart from cowardice, you are surely an alpha woman. An alpha woman keeps her head held high even in situations from which others will cower away.

She has self-confidence and knows that there is nothing on earth that can scare her away. She has the power to move mountains if the situation demands it. Transforming fear, frustrations, threats, hardships into ease and tolerance is an ability that naturally comes to her.

10. You happily embrace your mistakes

Running away from the truth and taking shelter under comforting lies is not your way, even if it comes to yourself.

If you are genuinely wrong, you own up to it. But this does not make you gullible or susceptible to manipulation. You are aware of your flaws and virtues and only owe up to your mistake when you know you have really messed up.

An alpha woman knows that learning and transformation is only possible when one admits to one’s mistakes and shortcomings.

Quite naturally, you are a force to reckon with. 

Are you an alpha woman yourself? Or, do you know someone who is an alpha woman? Being an alpha is not easy, it comes with its own set of challenges. So, more power to the alphas!

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10 Traits Of An Alpha Woman

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