7 Better Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month

7 Better Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month

May is commemorated as a mental health awareness month in the United States since 1949 which aims to make people aware and sensitive towards mental health. You might want to know more about how to celebrate mental health awareness month at home or office if you or a closed one is striving hard to keep their mental health in balance.

The observance of mental health awareness month aids in curtailing the stigma surrounding psychological ailments. Furthermore, it enables the community to come together, provide education and promote policies that benefit people with mental illnesses.

If you would like to keep your mental health in priority and observe Mental Health Awareness Week in your home or workplace, now is the time to do it.

So, here are seven ways you can celebrate the mental health week and boost a better way of working moving forwards.

1. Spend time with yourself

Spending time with yourself is a great way to celebrate mental health month at home. People nowadays are so busy and overwhelmed that they don’t get time to take proper care of themselves. Even though you eat right and work out and if you don’t take time to relax for a minute this can weaken your self-esteem and your overall charm. It’s great to be busy but not taking time for yourself can harm you. To take time for yourself, you don’t need an entire day or even a large sum of it. You can do few things which you can do are:

  • Watch an episode of your favorite series or show
  • Be your own bosom buddy and go on a date with yourself
  • Go to a Yoga class
  • Apply a face mask
  • Go for jogging
  • Write a diary, a blog post, etc.
  • Read a chapter of your book
  • Read the novel
  • Sit outside and sip a coffee
  • Sit outside and listen to the birds chirping and relish the sun on your skin

2. Spark a conversation

Someone who may need your help can feel odd or awkward to reach out to you. But friends and family members may feel uncomfortable seeking help. So, you can start a conversation by simply asking your close ones how they are doing.

You don’t have to take the conversation on a serious note right away. Some ways to start a conversation like this comprise asking questions like-

  • How are you?
  • How’s everything going on?
  • Are you fine?
  • I want to know how you’re feeling because you’re important to me.

If somebody close to you has a mental health issue, make them feel that you’re there for them. You can initiate a conversation by saying things such as:

  • What is your diagnosis?
  • How do you feel about your diagnosis?
  • Can I support you in seeking treatment?
  • How is your treatment going?

Reach out to your loved ones and find out if they need any assistance. Calling a buddy who resides across the country or sending a text message to a few people from whom you haven’t spoken for a long time is a simple way to cheer up someone’s day.

Remember one thing that you don’t have to be their therapist or counselor. All that your loved ones need is someone who lets them talk and listen to them without getting judged.

3. Mental Health Comes First

Mental Health Awareness Month is an excellent time to evaluate your own mental fitness. Consider asking yourself some of the questions from the previous section of this blog to assess your psychological health.

Reach out for help if you’re not doing ok. It’s not easy to find the right therapist so it may take some time to find the right one for you. Don’t wait for the mental issue to get serious. Seek assistance as promptly as you could.

Also, make sure your lifestyle aids your mental health. Having sufficient sleep every night, eating healthy food, cutting down on junk food, work out regularly, and taking time for yourself are some of the ways to strengthen your physical and psychological wellness.

4. Change your surroundings

If you’re wondering how to celebrate mental health month at the office? You can celebrate it by trying to change your environment to relieve yourself from stress at the workplace. After a while, the daily routine of wake/work/sleep/repeat can be dullsville. Get unstuck from the ocean of similitude; change the room with your laptop, or head over to a nearby coffee shop to co-work remotely for a few hours. A little bit of time away from your colleagues will make you delighted to see them when you return to your desk – leading to more positivity all around.

5. Create a business wellbeing strategy

To celebrate mental health month at the office, creating and launching a business wellbeing strategy may be particularly beneficial for employers and employees. A business wellbeing strategy can aid the mental health of your team and can enhance your workplace culture.

6. Initiate conversation about mental health

Talking about mental health is a significant step to observe the mental health month both at home and office. Start talking about mental health with whoever you feel comfortable with like friends, a family member, or a professional. You can end the stigma surrounding mental health by speaking up. It also promotes a better workplace culture when talking about it at work.

7. Share your story

Consider sharing your story, of course, in a safe space, if you’ve experienced mental health issues. Posting on social media about something that you’re struggling with could make someone else feel supported.
Sharing your experience shows that it’s possible to manage mental health issues. Also, it motivates others to talk freely about their battles.

Final Tip

May isn’t the only time to talk and discuss mental health issues. Mental health month can be observed the whole year by prompting the discussion on mental health at our home and office. It will also enable to remove the stigma about psychological wellness.


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7 Better Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month