8 Self-care Tips For Working From Home

8 Self-care Tips For Working From Home

“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
-Roy T. Bennett

I never thought this would become the ‘new normal’ of human existence. Working has become a bit tedious now. I adopted some methods that helped me ease at work. The methods are very simple and logical. If you are hating your work from the home condition, you must be missing something that is needed to make you feel so.

1. Make a to-do list of your day-to-day activities:

Make a list of things that you plan to accomplish throughout the day. Planning and scheduling save time and give more time to think and plan solutions. But the most important thing is to stick to the list. Most of us even after making a plan, fail to follow it under stress. Which is bad. Sticking to your own made list will be like completing tasks that you’ve set for yourself.

2. Keep working and relaxing spaces separate:

From day one I’ve followed and still following this rule. Keep your working and relaxing areas different. Thankfully I have a bedroom with a table and chair. I have shifted my desk to a corner of the room where I can work peacefully. Don’t you think home and working environments are different? It has logic. When we work sitting on our bed, our brain doesn’t switch off to work mode, because we generally sleep or watch tv on that. It still thinks that you are relaxing.

3. Get formally dressed for work in an environment:

Get up. Take a shower. Have breakfast. Get dressed formally.

It could be your office dress code or something that you generally used to wear to the office. Even I follow this rule when working from home. This has a psychological impact on the work you do. Wearing comfy pajamas is good for weekends but when chosen for work, signals your mind not to switch. So next time, just remember this vital thing, when you sit for work at home.

4. The working environment should be in a silent zone:

Having a peaceful place for work is crucial, isn’t it? Working in a noisy area reduces our focus on work and gives us nervous tension. To work properly with the least stress around you, shift your desk to the corner of your room which you consider as the perfect corner to find peace. Unfortunately, if you couldn’t find such a corner, just make sure that you work in a noiseless area. If you take our advice, you would see the difference in work results.

5. Exercise, meditate, and have proper sleep:

For working right, we need a healthy body that is physically, mentally, and spiritually balanced. Sleep helps keep up the physical aspects of our bodies. Exercise helps in proper healing and body metabolism. Whereas, meditation increases memory, reduces anxiety, helps balance the spirituality in us. The right combination of these three things can give us good results in work-life. Whether in lockdown or normal 9 to 5 office jobs, try to maintain these essentials.

6. Connect with your colleagues on video conferences at least twice a week:

Being deterred from the office has made you less sociable, less interactive, and more passive. Interacting with your colleagues is a great way to kill your lethargy. People in the same place of work could discuss their job and how they are managing at home. You could even draw some benefits out of the discussions. Though it’s not enough to talk over a screen, it doesn’t give any feeling of dearness, but it’s always good to talk rather than not talking at all.

7. Set goals for the day:

As you have already made your to-do list (mentioned in point 1), you must be ready for setting up goals for the day. The amount of work you wish to fulfill should always be marked. It will help keep a track of the work. Even this would help you to finish projects on time. You can have a diary or sticky notes for keeping track of daily activities. Plus ticking tasks at the end of the day is a whole new satisfaction.

8. Plan self-care time:

Right after your 9 to 5 job (or whatever time it is) is over, do keep some time for yourself. Too much work creates a lot of pressure on the brain. You need to give it a boost by doing nothing at all. You can make yourself a cup of coffee or binge-watch something you like. After a whole day of work, our brain stops working and its strength keeps on decreasing. A shower or a nap could be a good option.

There are several options available if you want to know. All you need is a self-caring motive and an affinity to work. Everyone isn’t fortunate enough to have a spare room for work or even a desk. Try to keep things simple. Working should be your passion. Do it the way you are suitable to, but keep the above things in mind.

Things may not always work, and that’s okay.
It’s good to fail sometimes. We get to learn so many things from our mistakes.


Read more: 10 Self-Care Quotes To Take Care of Yourself


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8 Self-care Tips For Working From Home