5 Initial Ways Your Intuition Is Telling You Something Important

5 Initial Ways Your Intuition Is Telling You Something Important

4. Bodily sensations.


Your body responds to a lot of happenings and mishappenings in your surroundings. When you are in fear, your body shakes, shivers or feels cold, when you are nervous, you tap your feet or fidget your fingers (you don’t do that when comfortable).

The body never lies, it may not tell you what is happening but will tell you that something is happening. Sometimes, you will not even realize while sleeping you urinate, it may sound dirty but it is one of those ways your intuition is trying to tell you something.

Some may feel paralyzed or suddenly have piloerection on arms and feet, you might feel short of breath or feel suffocated. These happen when your intuition is trying to give it to your knowledge that a mishappening in future is going to break you down.

5. Weird behavior.

Suppose you feel hungry while at work and you want food that fills your tummy, but you end up ordering a cup of coffee instead. On occasions, you might start walking towards your home, but end up going to the wrong way instead. It is not merely your absence of mind, it is also your intuition trying to guide you to right direction.  

Or may be, you are with your family and it’s an amazing day out, you had been dying to spend this quality time with your family but you have been looking around and noticing every person, feeling paranoid that someone is keeping an eye on you and your people.

It may sound normal, but what is that bothering you exactly and not letting you have your time. That is all happening, because your intuition wants to tell you, yes you’re feeling right, do not ignore that unknown face around you or do not have that food, it might be harmful for you.

They say, “trust your intuitions”, because they mean it. It is one of your extra sense that is working for you, it is showing you more love, it is trying to save you from things that may hurt you badly, or it is just trying to tell you that it exists and you must listen to it.

Intuition is that vibe which may not be physically present, which you might not be able to logically describe but is playing a significant role in your life.

You are born with this ability, pay heed to it. 

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5 Initial Ways Your Intuition Is Telling You Something Important
